Welfare policy

Welfare policy

Welfare policy

Your health and safety at The Eadn London is our priority.
Please speak with a member of staff if you need any help.

Let a member of our team know right away if you feel unwell or uncomfortable.

We have a welfare officer on-site whose job it is to look after you.
If you need to speak to a member of the team we encourage you to do so and we will not judge you.

We encourage all guests to keep an eye out for their friends. If they appear unwell or uncomfortable please check if they are ok and report to a member of staff if you are worried about them.


At The Eadn London we are continuously striving to create a safer and truly open space for all our guest and employees.

We operate a zero tolerance policy for harassment.
We encourage our customers to report any incidents that make them feel uncomfortable. We work with them to make sure their complaint is resolved.

Our staff are trained on how to approach disclosures with urgency.

More information can be found here